Sunday, 3 January 2010


Apart from still being overtired, I am optimistic about 2010. I have done alot during 2009 - given birth to a healthy baby for the 3rd and final time, reached the 10th year (but not the last!) of my marriage, successfully raised (and am still raising) two gorgeous and brilliant children, maintained my thriving internationally known design business and have happily launched myself onto the local scene, and finally, I have started to write the book I've always wanted to write since having had children here in England. Any tips on how to get published (non-fiction) - please please send in!

Looking forward, I'll shortly be launching a new sister 'PrettyBeautiful' website plus I'll continue to be at the forefront of family friendly networking. The dates for the upcoming Mumpreneurs Club Networking Events are here:

New sites:
If you need some advice about career direction, Mark Anderson here in Worthing can help

Further afield up North, Live in greater harmony with yourself, your families and partners, and society

All for now. Here's to a fabulous 2010.
